a dreamer

a dreamer

Saturday, April 18, 2015

a dream of a blank page

The beauty of a blank page. The immensity of it. The thickness; the lightness. Rich with possibilities. The candle's flickering flame alights the page in an uncertain, wavering way. The pen's intrusive touch breaks the sanctity of the wholeness. And yet it sends ever-expanding ripples across the smooth surface.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

a dreamer says goodbye to the handsome man

You never expect your boyfriend to have an expiration date stamped on your relationship. You don't expect him to call you incompatible or "two different people." You can't believe he doesn't care about the things you say -- apparently they're insubstantial. It's like he just woke up one day and thought hmm I don't like my girlfriend anymore. I deserve someone who respects me. Who cares about what I have to say. Who enjoys my company. Who doesn't start this conversation over text. Who doesn't expect to "hook up" after he breaks up with me. Who brings passion to the relationship. Who doesn't attack my personality or lifestyle choices. Who doesn't make me feel insubstantial or unintelligent. Who adores me. So goodbye.