a dreamer

a dreamer

Friday, December 30, 2011

a dream in a book

Fully immersed in the story, your mind creates images that coincide with the words on the  page. Scenes fly by as you gulp up the characters and swallow the plot. You can't stop until you've tasted the end...the last sentence is the sweetest. Hungry for more, you desperately search the author's final note-the fleeting images still fresh in your mind, lingering. Reading is seeing. And seeing is believing.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a dream in reality

A dream is not a wish your heart makes, contrary to a popular Disney song. A dream is the fulfilment of a wish, coming from your mind-your brain. I credit some of this thought to Sigmund Freud, whom I've been reading about. Your subconscious and concious thinks of a goal, or a desire, a.k.a. a dream. Then you think about it and think of how to accomplish it. All in all, listen to your brain, not your heart, because your brain makes decisions and your heart is a blood-pumping organ.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a dream in paris

Paris. The city of love. The city of lights. The city of cafes and cobbled streets and baguettes. If only I could go to Paris again. Sit at a corner cafe', drink my hot chocolate, read some dashing novel, stare out at the hustle and bustle of people rushing to and fro while listening faintly to crooning French music. It would start to rain and the sea of umbrellas would awaken the dreamer in me.