a dreamer

a dreamer

Sunday, February 24, 2013

a dream as a wanderlust

I want to travel the world. And braid my hair as I'm staring up at the immensity of the Eiffel Tower. And sigh at the beauty of the looming irish castles. And clasp hands with the one person who can make me happy with a glance. And sketch the fashion of Italy. And dip my fingertips in the waters of the Cayman. And strut my stuff down England's fine cobblestone streets. Wanderlust.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

a dream in apathy

There's the apathy. The unwillingness to text, FB, message, call, and talk. Because there are so many people, always fresh gossip, old feelings. The guilt of feeling detached and uninterested. It's false. I am not. And how can these new friends like me? The inability to accept the friendships, the closeness. I'm simply exhausted. This is hard. So many of them, only one me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

a dream in a flash

In a flash life tells you what you really want. Who you truly want to see. What arms will embrace you as you race down the stairs and relax into the familiarity of someone who loves you. Whether it be friend, family, or boyfriend, we all have someone we miss.