a dreamer

a dreamer

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

a dream in a thought

I started thinking...is this all there is? Dying youth, college years, young adulthood, marriage, children? What's the drive that keeps us sane? The invisible line guiding us on the tightrope of life? But then there are those moments. Moments to reflect on, to savor, to laugh at. Friends and family really do change you. Experiences shape you. You just have to find those special people, those life-changing memories.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

a dream is yours

A dream can sweep you off your feet. A dream lingers with you and only you. You can go wherever you want, see whatever you want, be with whoever you want in your dreams. They are your most personal treasure. A little dream can infuse your mind with happiness. Succumb to the dream-you. Your dreams teach you to be yourself, show you your deepest desires, and allow the impossible. Who says dreams aren't real?

Friday, May 18, 2012

a dream in a phase

I'm just a phase. I fade in, I fade out. I try to make an impact, but in the end all change reverts itself back. Except me. I'm different. Withered. Gone. Thrown into the waters of anew. Emotions consume my head, hurt my heart. Love is unknown to me. Maybe I should just love myself.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

a dream monitored by a clock

That moment of pure and absolute inexactatude. The ambiguity is endless. The sense of loss is undesirable. Seemingly forever. When you're no longer in control of your fate, you're lying helplessly in the hands of someone else. Something else. Your heart exposed to the ruthless cold blade of life. Of death. Of change. Everything starts to remind you, nagging like the ticking of a clock destined to stop. It's too much. tick. tock. stop.

a dream in a bubble

We live in a subjective world. Our little bubble--full of people, likes, memories, change, dreams--is one in a million. What we see determines what we believe. What we learn predicts the outcome of our future. Who we know shapes our hearts forever. But this planet is only so big. There may be another you, someone so alike it forces you to question yourself. How do we stand out? What can we do to be special? These questions haunt us at times, like wisps of clouds obscuring other thoughts. But there is only one you. With every step you take, your bubble absorbs unique experiences that inevitably forms your individuality. You are you. No questions asked.