a dreamer

a dreamer

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

a dream above

I like to watch the little toy town with its little toy cars and its little toy houses. The little toy cars drive in neat little lines amidst the neat little houses. Oh, how they are so little and I am so big.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

a dream rethinking

I'm the problem. Maybe this whole time it's been me…Over-thinking, dwelling, clutching onto the past.  True, I didn't cheat, but maybe I was too clingy or gullible. Some people blame others and I'm not above that but maybe I should just blame myself.

Monday, November 25, 2013

a dream back home

The comforting embrace. The loss of time. The inexplicable happiness. It's all back for an instant. And it feels like home.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

a dream in power

Life is about power. I am immensely powerful. I am a force to be reckoned with. I can play games too.

a dream under the stars

This is stupid. And completely illogical. I know it's both of these things but I just can't help it. My mind holds onto things and doesn't want to let them go. Life doesn't always measure up to how it's portrayed.

Friday, November 1, 2013

a dream in a hospital

All of a sudden you're alone. You find yourself flat on your face feeling hopeless. Then you're whirled away and left alone, again, in a miserable state of mind. No one is there to hold your hand and tell you you're okay. It's just you. Alone.

Monday, September 2, 2013

a dream that's haunting

Sleep can't even save me. I don't crave it. I regard it with an open eye. Why? Because memories haunt me. He haunts me. My happiness, his happiness. It's interwoven in my dreams. And dreams are not reality.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

a dream in consumption

Daylight shines with a promise,
But morningtime is false.
Life moves on
And people go
While I sit and watch.

Going through the motions
Remote of my heart.
Then nighttime creeps
Upon my mind
And I can't let it go.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

a dream in college

I'm not excited about college. There's too much change. I'm alone once again. No friendly faces to ease my suffering. No warm boyfriend to cuddle up next to. Only me again. I hope things will change and I'll make true friends. But for the moment I'm not happy. All I want is to be happy and feel included.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

a dream in farewell

Farewell, see you later, see you soon. Those are much better than Goodbye. Goodbyes are forever. This isn't forever. This is temporary. Leaving behind everything and everyone I know and love, I'm onto a new adventure. Thankfully this time I'm not the only new kid. So farewell, love. It's up to fate now.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

a dream of love must regrettably end

Something I've put all my heart into is ending soon. It's inevitable, I suppose, but that doesn't take away the pain. Change is coming. Again. And this time I'm saying goodbye to love.

Monday, July 15, 2013

a dream awash in childish ignorance

I used to not understand the saying "Ignorance is bliss." And I distinctly remember not understanding it. Because who would want to be ignorant? But I understand it now. Oh, how I understand it now.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

a dream is no more

That blissful moment when you wake up and hope it was all a dream. Then reality comes crashing down and shoots your dream to hell.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

a dream in a mirror

You don't recognize yourself in photos. You see the picture and your perception of yourself dissolves. Poof. Does my smile really crease that much? Have I gained that much weight? That's what I look like in profile? Your mind isn't everything. It's deceptive. You live your life with an image fixed in your head but when you look in the mirror you don't see that image reflected back.

a dream of why

It's weird to think you occupy another's thoughts. A lot. So much they love you with their whole heart. The posts you read--are about you. Someone is spending their precious time thinking of you and you can't help to wonder why. Why? Why me, why do you love me?

Friday, May 31, 2013

a dream of perception

You have these images, flashes, judgments, appearances, feelings, and thoughts that encompass the perception of people the first few times you meet them. Before you get to know them, there's this persona that differs from the perception down the road. It's almost like the image of a character as you're reading a book. That image evolves as the character does, and when you finish the book the protagonist is a whole different person in your mind--complete. Now you look back at those perceptions in the past, and they're vastly different than the complex people you know today.

a dream in the woods

I ran through these woods a year ago. I was lost, confused, angry, sad, and lonely. Wishing for a good future, wishing for friends, wishing for love. Well I found all of that. Simply one year later. Now I run through the woods reflecting on a time where I was strong and brave. I did it. I moved and moved and throughout it all, I survived. I survived because of me. Because of my friends. Because of love. Thank you, woods. For helping me cope.

Friday, May 10, 2013

a dream in a loving moment

A moment consumes you. A fulfilling love, the endless raindrops, the ballad on the radio. You realize your life could be gone in one sweep of an action. So you grasp that moment. Let it enrapture you. Cocoon you in its warm embrace, his warm embrace.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

a dream as a wanderlust

I want to travel the world. And braid my hair as I'm staring up at the immensity of the Eiffel Tower. And sigh at the beauty of the looming irish castles. And clasp hands with the one person who can make me happy with a glance. And sketch the fashion of Italy. And dip my fingertips in the waters of the Cayman. And strut my stuff down England's fine cobblestone streets. Wanderlust.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

a dream in apathy

There's the apathy. The unwillingness to text, FB, message, call, and talk. Because there are so many people, always fresh gossip, old feelings. The guilt of feeling detached and uninterested. It's false. I am not. And how can these new friends like me? The inability to accept the friendships, the closeness. I'm simply exhausted. This is hard. So many of them, only one me.

Monday, February 4, 2013

a dream in a flash

In a flash life tells you what you really want. Who you truly want to see. What arms will embrace you as you race down the stairs and relax into the familiarity of someone who loves you. Whether it be friend, family, or boyfriend, we all have someone we miss.